There isn't just one course of action that is going to solve the problems going on in America with the abuse of underage smoking and the relation to E-Cigarettes. We live in a culture where social media is the biggest influence on kids lives, and if everyone is doing it on social media, then people naturally will have the urge to vape to "fit in". I believe to help significantly reduce the amount of kids underage smoking, the steps that Juul has made, will make a difference and the future changes FDA plans on making will make even more changes in a positive way. Creating awareness of the potential harms and risks associated with Juul'ing is something that also needs to be focused on. Nicotine addiction can be dangerous, and people need to be informed enough before they get themselves addicted. I believe the biggest thing that could significantly reduce the amount of underage people using these E-Cigarettes however is scientific proof or evidence that it's ba...